Benefits of Cinnamon, Uses, and Disadvantages of Cinnamon

Jagdish Tandia

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Benefits of Cinnamon– Generally, people use cinnamon only as a spice, the cinnamon obtained from the tiny evergreen tree is extremely aromatic. Cinnamon has been described as a really beneficial medicine in Ayurveda. consistent with Ayurveda, many diseases are often treated with the utilization of cinnamon. Its bark is particularly used as a spice. Also, the oil extracted from it’s useful in some ways. Cinnamon is employed to curing many diseases. Digestive disorders, teeth, and headaches, skin diseases, menstrual problems are often cured with the utilization of cinnamon. realize its use-

What are the kinds of Cinnamon? Which is that the best?

There are four sorts of cinnamon generally, which we describe below (A)

  • True Cinnamon and cinnamon or Mexican Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum)
  • Indonesian Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Burmanni)
  • Vietnamese cinnamon (Cinnamomum Loureiro)
  • Cinnamomum Aromaticum
  • Ceylon cinnamon is taken into account the simplest. Despite being expensive, people like it better to buy this cinnamon for its taste and qualities.

Nutrients in cinnamon

Cinnamon is slightly sweet and pungent in taste with elements like thymine, phosphorus, protein, sodium, vitamins, calcium, manganese, potassium, niacin, carbohydrate, etc. aside from enhancing taste, it’s useful in curing diseases associated with Vata Kapha. it’s also utilized in making many medicines.

Benefits of cinnamon


Cinnamon is rich in anti-oxidants. This has also been clarified in research done on animals (B). Indeed, cinnamon contains procyanidins (chemical compounds), which exhibit antioxidant activity (C). Cinnamon was found to be superb when a study compared the antioxidant activity of 26 spices (D).

Benefits of cinnamon for heart health

Cinnamon can work to stay the guts healthy by reducing harmful cholesterol along with side diabetes (E). An NCBI research has said that one, three, and 6 grams of cinnamon are wont to reduce disorder by lowering levels of LDL, serum glucose, triglyceride (a sort of fat present within the blood), and total cholesterol. May help (F). consistent with an animal study, cinnamaldehyde (cinnamaldehyde) and cinnamic acid present in cassia cinnamon exhibit cardioprotective properties. For this reason, cinnamon is taken into account important for the prevention of heart condition.

Benefits of Cinnamon for Cancer

Cinnamon can reduce the expansion of cancer cells and stop them from spreading. A study conducted on mice reported that its chemopreventive properties. consistent with the research, the anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, apoptosis-inducing (deleting cells) activity present in cinnamon, anti-proliferative (inhibiting the expansion of cells) act as a chemopreventive agent. of these can interfere with the formation of cancer cells and stop them from growing and becoming (G).

Also, cinnamon may help reduce the symptoms of other cancers. Another research has found that its anti-cancer properties. The research mentions that cinnamon may protect against melanoma cancer (skin cancer) (H). Readers should note that cinnamon isn’t a cure for cancer in any way. If someone is affected by this disease, he should get medical treatment as soon as possible.

Benefits of cinnamon for brain health

Cinnamon home remedy is additionally considered very beneficial for the brain. It can make the brain healthy by reducing oxidative stress (I). consistent with research conducted on mice published online on 24 June 2016 within the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, cinnamon intake can increase memory. Also, it can increase the power to find out quickly. consistent with research, it’s going to flow from the benzoate of soda produced by consuming cinnamon (J).

At an equivalent time, cinnamon also contains phytochemicals, which increase the brain’s ability to use glucose. It also can control changes within the brain caused by Alzheimer’s disease Also, cinnamon could also be somewhat helpful in preventing paralysis agitans risk (K) remember that amnesia in Alzheimer’s disease And begins to vibrate within the body parts of Parkinson’s.

Benefits of Cinnamon for HIV

It is not right to depend upon any quiet home medicine for a disease like HIV. a person infected with HIV should consult a doctor immediately. If we mention research on HIV and cinnamon, then there’s the research associated with it at NCBI. Research states that the progenitive polyphenol present in cinnamon exhibits anti-HIV-1 activity (L).

Benefits of Cinnamon for Fungal infection

The benefits of cinnamon also include reducing fungal infections. Indeed, cinnamon has anti-fungal properties, which may help protect the body from fungal infections and reduce symptoms associated with it. The anti-fungal effect found in cinnamon oil may help fight Candida albicans, Candida Tropicalis, and Candida Crucis.

Benefits of cinnamon for weight control

The benefits of cinnamon also are believed to incorporate weight control. Nowadays increasing weight or obesity has become a priority for nearly every second-third person. In such a situation, if cinnamon is consumed within the food, then this problem is often reduced to some extent. Polyphenols, present in cinnamon, are a kind of anti-oxidant that will improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin controls the extent of glucose within the blood, but when the body cannot produce the proper amount of insulin, the blood glucose level rises.

As a result, there’s an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and lots of other diseases. consistent with research, for ladies who have Polycystic Ovarian Disease, cinnamon can control weight by decreasing Insulin Resistance. Also, the anti-obese effect of cinnamon and lots of other elements present in it’s going to reduce obesity.

Benefits of Cinnamon for Bronchitis

Bronchitis may be a respiratory problem. During bronchitis, there’s swelling and infection within the airways inside the lungs. This disease causes problems like shortness of breath and heartburn. Cinnamon also can be wont to avoid this trouble. Research on the NCBI website states that it can reduce the symptoms of tract disease to some extent.

Research suggests that S. Pneumonia, and M. catarrhal bacteria, together cause bronchitis. The effect of those bacteria may help decrease the antibacterial properties present in cinnamon. Both cinnamon oil and its steam are found effective in fighting these bacteria. For this reason, cinnamon could also be said to assist prevent bronchitis.

Benefits of Cinnamon for Diabetes and blood glucose

The benefits of eating cinnamon can also include controlling diabetes. If diabetic patients include cinnamon in their diet, diabetes is often controlled to an excellent extent. Actually, it’s anti-diabetic properties. Also, another research has reported that polyphenols present in cinnamon may protect against the danger of diabetes by reducing serum glucose and insulin.

Benefits of Cinnamon for healthy hair

The leaves of the cinnamon tree are often wont to keep hair healthy and thick. many of us also use it to alleviate alopecia. It can help to form hair thicker by increasing the expansion of hair follicles. However, which element in it works to reinforce hair and reduce baldness is unclear (X). The paste of its leaves is often washed by applying directly to the hair. aside from this, the hair also can be washed after boiling the leaves after making their decoction. confine mind that the decoction should be used only it’s cold.

Benefits of Cinnamon for Skin health

Cinnamon benefits also include skin health. One research mentions that the anti-inflammatory properties present in cinnamon can protect an individual from a disease of the skin. Light to moderate acne also can be reduced by using it. For this reason, skin gel containing cinnamon is additionally available within the market. Cinnamon’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can reduce pimples and blemishes. Also, a mix of cinnamon and honey can act to kill pimple bacteria.

Cinnamon keeps the skin young because it prevents collagen from being destroyed and may retain skin flexibility. consistent with one study, cinnamon increases collagen biosynthesis, which can reduce anti-aging problems to some extent. It also has wound healing properties (A). For skin health, a pinch of cinnamon powder is often mixed with honey and applied to the face.

How to uses cinnamon

Cinnamon is often used both internally and externally. For interior benefits, its powder is employed alone or with honey, milk, and other herbs. Externally, its oil is beneficial. which provides relief in wounds, pain, and swelling.

You can use cinnamon in some ways. One can cash in on its properties by using cinnamon honey, cinnamon milk, cinnamon powder, cinnamon oil, cinnamon tea, and cinnamon spice, etc.

  1. Cinnamon Powder: you’ll add cinnamon powder to your diet in many tasty ways. Cinnamon powder is formed from the bark of the cinnamon tree. it’s commonly utilized in toast and pastries, besides many other ways you’ll cash in on its properties.
  2. Milk Cinnamon: you’ll make a delicious drink by mixing cinnamon with milk, which has many benefits, it removes insomnia and has other benefits.
  3. honey Cinnamon: consistent with ancient Ayurveda, honey, and cinnamon can cure most diseases. a mix of honey and cinnamon can cure many troubles like weight loss, acne, bladder infections, weakened system, indigestion, and bad breath.
  4. Cinnamon Tea: Cinnamon tea emits toxic substances from the body, its regular intake keeps blood glucose in check, besides its other benefits for health. Boil cinnamon in water for 15 to twenty minutes and consume this tea regularly.
  5. Cinnamon Oil: Cinnamon oil is formed from its tree leaves and bark. This oil reduces many health problems like diabetes, menstrual problems, etc. thanks to its medicinal properties, it’s also utilized in the treatment of many diseases.

Apart from these, Dalchini is usually used as a spice in every household.

How much to eat cinnamon

Eating cinnamon in excess can have toxic effects on the body. Research associated with this says that a daily intake of quite 0.1 mg/kg is often harmful to the body.

When to eat cinnamon

By the way, the time to eat cinnamon isn’t clear. At an equivalent time, it is often utilized in the morning with tea or decoction. Some amount of it also can be utilized in the afternoon or dinner. aside from this, it is often consumed at any prescribed time of the day during medical consultation.

Disadvantages of cinnamon

Although cinnamon is extremely beneficial for your health, don’t over-consume it thinking. If you think that that you simply will get more benefits of cinnamon by taking large doses on just one occasion, then your thinking is completely wrong because you’ll not get the advantage of excessive intake but you’ll need to face its side effects.

Breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women should take care of consuming cinnamon.
In fact, excessive consumption of cinnamon is often harmful and may damage your liver. Cinnamon (especially its oil) can cause premature pain or maybe shorten the uterus.
Some people can also be allergic to cinnamon, albeit they need previously consumed it with known side effects.

The benefits of cinnamon are many, but you ought to not forget the precautions mentioned above. Therefore, before its consumption, understand its profit and loss properly and consume it within the appropriate quantity. So what are you expecting now, quickly include cinnamon in your daily diet?