Benefits of Trikatu Powder, Uses, and Method of preparation

Jagdish Tandia

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Benefits of Trikatu Powder, Uses, and Method

Benefits of Trikatu Powder- Trikatu Powder is an old herbal remedy used in asthma, obesity, cough, cold, or any respiratory disease. This Ayurvedic remedy helps in the treatment of asthma, gout, cough, cold, and other respiratory diseases.

Trikatu Powder is made from three Indian Ayurvedic herbs called black pepper, Pippali (Indian long paper), and dry ginger (dry ginger). The effect of Trikatu powder is hot and is used in various Ayurvedic treatments, especially in Ayurvedic treatment of asthma, indigestion. Trikatu Churna is also known by other names such as Trikatu Churnam or Trikuta.

The right way to eat Trikatu powder

This powder can also be used with water as well as decoction prepared with basil leaves. He told that 2 to 4 grams of powder can be used in winter. Since its effect is hot, one can take 1-2 grams daily in summer. It can also be used by adding tea.

Method of preparation of Trikatu powder decoction

Boil one teaspoon of Trikatu powder, 3 to 5 basil leaves, put in six cups of water, sip it 3-4 times in half. This will increase your immunity.

Benefits of Trikatu powder

Trikatu powder is a useful Ayurvedic blend that helps in curing various respiratory and digestive diseases. This helps calm the disease related to the Tridosha imbalance. It helps fight asthma naturally. So let’s know about the benefits of this-

Benefits of Trikatu powder to improve digestion

Benefits of Trikatu Powder in improving digestion, as it increases the fire elements in the body leading to proper digestion and increases appetite. A person with digestive disorders should consume half to one teaspoon an hour before a meal. It is also a useful remedy for constipation, loss of appetite, and other digestive disorders.

Trikatu powder strengthens immunity

Benefits of Trikatu Powder to strengthen immunity, as it increases fire elements in the body leading to proper digestion and increases appetite. So people who are often ill can consume up to a teaspoon before going to bed every day.

Benefits of Trikuta powder to lose weight

It is a very good remedy for digestion. It helps in increasing metabolism and reducing obesity. Consuming it with Triphala can help reduce excess weight. Those who want to lose some weight can consume one teaspoon of Trikatu powder half an hour before meals.

Trikatu Churna is beneficial in asthma

Benefits of Trikatu Powder for respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis. It reduces mucus from the lungs due to its warm effect. It also helps in sore throat, sinus infection, and other respiratory infections. Consuming half to one teaspoon of trice powder with honey half an hour before a meal helps in the treatment of asthma and respiratory infections.

Trikatu Churna to control cholesterol

Trikatu powder helps in lowering the cholesterol level in the blood and is a very good remedy for those who want to lower their cholesterol level. Consuming half to one teaspoon of trikatu powder one hour before a meal can help reduce cholesterol.

Trikatu powder in irritable bowel syndrome

Medical science is unable to find out the exact cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), but according to Indian Ayurveda, it is caused by heat loss of digestion. In this case, Trikatu Powder can prove beneficial for you. Trikatu powder works properly when the patient has diarrhea, cramps, or gas during stool. It reduces mucus in the stool and normalizes the digestive fire.

Trikatu Churna useful in body pain

Benefits of Trikatu Powder- Body pain is common in people during the winter. In this case, you can use Trikatu powder. Trikatu powder provides warmth to the body and reduces body pain. Consuming half or one teaspoon of Trikatu powder can be beneficial for body pain.

Trikatu Powder for healthy sex life

Trikatu powder helps in strengthening the reproductive functions, heating, and energizing the reproductive organs, as it is perfect in aphrodisiac properties. It also helps in increasing sperm count and healthy sex life.

Trikatu Powder For Thyroid

Trikatu powder also helps in the treatment of the thyroid. Mix Godanti Bhasma (10 grams) with Trikatu Powder (50 grams) and take one gram to 2 grams with honey, twice a day.

Trikatu Churna cure skin diseases

According to Charak Chikitsa place 7/61, the consumption of trice powder along with Haritaki, jaggery, and sesame oil is beneficial for skin diseases for one month. This remedy is effective in all skin diseases.

Trikatu Powder Supplements

Half an hour or a teaspoon of trikatu powder can be taken with honey an hour before meals. It is pungent in taste and warm in effect.

Disadvantages of Trikatu Powder

Trikatu is the only side effect of Powder with many health benefits. Consuming it in excess can cause gastric problems and at the same time, it can cause stomach irritation.