Health Benefits of millet bread and disadvantages

Jagdish Tandia


Health Benefits of millet

Millet is a type of grain that was grown for livestock in the past. But after knowing about the properties of millet, people started including it in their diet. Many countries have started producing it. Its production is more in dry places. Many varieties of millet are found all over the world. Millet is cultivated in India, especially in hot places like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Millet contains many vitamins and minerals which help in keeping the health healthy. Often people like to eat millet bread, it helps in reducing weight and increases calories. In this article, let us tell you in detail about the nutritional elements and the advantages and disadvantages of millet. Health Benefits of millet-

How many calories does one millet of bread have?

One millet of bread gives 119 calories. Out of which carbohydrates account for 76 calories, proteins account for 13 calories and the remaining calories come from fat which is 30 calories. One millet of bread provides about 6 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

What is the effect of millet?

The effect of millet is hot, as well as calcium, manganese, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin B, magnesium, and many types of antioxidants are found in it. Which helps in providing not one but many health benefits.

What are the nutritional elements and minerals of millet?

Among all the nutrients found in millet are vitamins, minerals, and many organic compounds. Apart from iron, potassium, zinc, calcium, vitamin B, and magnesium, millet is also rich in protein and fiber. That’s why millet is considered a better food option for good health.

How to make millet bread?

Necessary ingredients

  • Millet flour – 500 grams
  • salt – as per taste
  • Hot Water
  • butter or ghee

Millet bread recipe

Sieve the millet flour in a wide utensil. Knead the dough with the help of lukewarm water.

Keep the griddle on the gas and heat it. Take out the dough from the kneaded dough to make 2 pieces of bread and make the dough soft by kneading it with your hands, adding water little by little if necessary, make it soft. Take out a bread dough from the soft dough, make it round, and make it bigger than the palms.

Apply some water to the palms. With the help of the palms of both hands, roll the dough into a diameter of 5-6 inches. Put bread on a hot griddle. Flip after roasting.

If you find it difficult to flatten millet bread by hand, then you can flatten the bread in another way. Take out a little dough from the kneaded dough, make it soft, make a ball, place a thick square on a polythene wheel, place the ball on the polythene, cover the ball with another square polythene and flatten it with the help of your palm. Remove the polythene attached above. Lift the bread with a light hand, put it on a hot griddle, and flip it over after roasting it on the lower surface. When the second surface of the bread is cooked, lift the bread with the help of a flipper, and roast it on low flame, rotating it till it turns brown on both sides.

Apply ghee on hot bread. Chana greens taste very good with millet bread, black gram dal tastes good, millet bread tastes good with mustard greens, and you can have hot crispy millet with any vegetable of your choice. Serve bread, and keep jaggery and butter along with it.

What is the right time to eat millet bread?

millet bread is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Although millet bread is slightly high in calories, it is recommended to be included in the daily diet due to the high content of protein and essential nutrients. That’s why you can eat millet bread for dinner.

But keep in mind, consume it at least 4 hours before sleeping, and do not forget to eat some ghee and jaggery with it, it will taste very tasty.

Millet has the following health benefits.

Health Benefits of millet for hair health

To cure the problem of hair fall, millet bread should be included in your diet. Millet contains a lot of protein which strengthens the hair roots. Apart from this, millet contains magnesium which reduces inflammation. If there is more dandruff problem in the hair, then it also reduces it. According to some studies, millet provides a good amount of protein to the body and enhances the beauty of the hair. Your hair looks thick and shiny.

Keep the heart healthy with Millet

The heart is a very important part of our body. To keep it healthy, nutritious food should be consumed in your diet. Millet is beneficial in a nutritious diet. It contains a good amount of potassium and magnesium, which smoothen the flow of blood. Apart from this, there is no risk of heart disease. Millet should be included in your bread.

Millet beneficial for diabetes

Diabetic patients should follow their diet properly. Often these patients keep complaining of constipation. The main reason for this is the lack of diet, so millet bread should be consumed. You can have millet bread instead of wheat bread with vegetables in your dinner. Apart from this, he kept getting his sugar checked by the doctor every month. Avoid sweet dishes.

Health Benefits of millet to lower cholesterol

An increase in cholesterol is not good for the body. It increases the risk of heart. That’s why millet should be consumed. It contains a good amount of fiber. Fiber helps in reducing the amount of cholesterol. According to some research, fiber reduces bad cholesterol. Increases good cholesterol. Oily substances increase cholesterol. That’s why eat millet bread and reduce cholesterol. By keeping cholesterol under control, there is no risk of heart disease.

Health Benefits of millet to prevent cancer

The patient should start treatment immediately after seeing the initial symptoms of cancer. Women should consume millet bread in their diet to reduce the problem of breast cancer. It contains a good amount of fiber which relieves the problem of breast cancer. Women who have problems related to their breasts should consume millet bread. (Read more – Why breast cancer occurs and treatment of breast cancer)

Health Benefits of millet to relieve asthma

Asthma is a respiratory problem in which a person has to face difficulty in breathing. To cure these problems, millet should be consumed daily. Millet prevents asthma from developing. It has been told in some research that if the child already has asthma, then keep feeding millet, due to which asthma starts getting cured slowly. That’s why people who have asthma problems must consume millet.

Health Benefits of millet to lose weight

Nowadays people are worried about their obesity and make different diet plans. Millet plays the most important role in these diets. It contains a good amount of fiber which reduces fat. Reduces calories. The body weight starts balancing. If you are cutting your diet, then definitely eat millet bread. (Read more – Advantages and disadvantages of barley)

Disadvantages of millet

  • If your body takes more time to digest millet. So there can be a loss for you as well.
  • You can also have problems like goiter and thyroid by using millet. Because millet inhibits the absorption of iodine.
  • People suffering from hypothyroidism should avoid the consumption of millet.