High Blood Pressure And Its Important Treatment

Jagdish Tandia

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High blood pressure (Hypertension) and its important treatment

Friends, when the blood pressure (hypertension) in the arteries of the body exceeds normal, that condition is called high blood pressure. When this happens, the vein is likely to rupture. Also, various types of diseases related to heart and kidney can occur. Not only this, if it is not taken seriously in time, it can work as a silent killer.

Blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg under normal conditions. If the blood pressure reaches 130/85 or more, it is called hypertension. Therefore, it is important to have information related to the symptoms of high BP and the treatment of high blood pressure.

In this article, we are sharing important information related to controlling high blood pressure with you. You can save from the problem of high blood pressure (hypertension) by pranayama and yoga asana. Also, if someone has high blood pressure (hypertension), some of his symptoms can be reduced.

Important pranayama and Yogasanas for hypertension patients.

Setu Bandhasana:

To do this Yogasana, first of all, lay a carpet in the ground. Now lie straight on your back and keep your hands close to the body. The palms should be adjacent to the ground. Now bend the knees and keep the soles adjacent to the ground. After that, while breathing, raise the hips, back and upper body with your hands. Try to touch the chest without moving your chin. During this time, the entire weight of the body will remain on the hands, shoulders, and feet. After remaining in this posture for one or two minutes, return to the original position.


To do this Yogasana, first of all, lay a carpet in the ground. Now sit on him in Vajrasana and raise your hands while breathing. Keep the waist straight. Now while exhaling, bow forward. Keep bending until your palms hit the ground. Keep in mind that you have to bend from the waist, not raise the hips. Try to attach the head to the ground. After staying in this posture for some time, take a breath and return to normal posture.


In this Yogasan, bend the knees and close the hips with the ankles. You can do this at any time. Even after a meal, it can be done.

Bhramari pranayama:

To do this pranayama, first of all, lay a carpet in the ground. Now sit on it in Sukhasana posture and close your eyes and draw a deep breath. Then, place the middle fingers of both hands in the core of the nostrils near the eyes and press them lightly and close the ears with both the fingers. After that, keep the mouth closed and chant Om and exhale with the humming sound of a bee. By doing this the whole body will feel a vibration.


To do this pranayama, first of all, lay a carpet in the ground. Now sit on it in Sukhasana posture and close your eyes. After this, close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and breathe without making a sound from the left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the finger and exhale through the right nostril. Similarly, breathe in from the right nostril and release from the left nostril.

Some of the major causes and symptoms of high blood pressure