kidney contraction: Ayurvedic treatment of kidney contraction

Jagdish Tandia

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Ayurvedic treatment of kidney contraction

kidney contraction-A person can have many kidney-related diseases, in which the contraction of the kidneys, ie the size of the kidney is the most serious. Kidney contraction means a lot of problems coming together. The size of the kidney is due to the suppression of the nephron, due to which the kidney becomes unable to perform its functions. This kidney condition is similar to kidney failure. In such a situation, the kidneys are not able to filter out the body’s toxins. Due to which the amount of creatinine in the blood of the victim starts increasing and he has to face many problems.

What causes kidney contraction?

There are some specific reasons behind kidney contraction, due to which our kidney keeps getting smaller in size. Hypertension is considered to be the biggest reason behind this, besides the following reasons can be due to shortening of the kidney –

Blocked renal artery

The main function of kidney arteries is to circulate blood inside the kidney. This function of transporting blood to the kidneys by the arteries allows kidney blood to be researched. But when the arteries harden with the accumulation of fatty acids or blood clots, the shape of the kidney changes. The kidney has two types of blood arteries, one a blood vessel and the other a vein. The blood vessel works by sending oxygen-rich blood to the kidney. The kidneys clean the nephrons of the kidneys, which remove the waste products, alkalis, and acids from inside and remove them from the body in the form of urine. After the waste product comes out from the blood, the vein drains it out of the kidney and flows pure blood throughout the body.

Having high blood pressure

High blood pressure is the biggest cause of every kidney problem. When the blood pressure is high, the blood travels rapidly to the arteries, due to which the blood is not able to go into the kidney in the right amount. The proper amount of blood is unable to pass, which means that the kidneys cannot get the proper amount of food, due to which the kidneys start to shrink themselves. When the size of the kidney is small, its efficiency starts to decrease. High blood pressure is a problem associated with blood pressure, it is a serious problem. It is also known as hypertension or high blood pressure.

Urinary tract obstruction

Any deficiency in the urinary tract has a direct effect on the kidney. This causes pressure on the kidneys, due to which the nephron of the kidney is damaged.

Kidney stone

Kidney stones cause a major obstruction in kidney function. Due to which the blood in the kidney is not able to go properly, which affects the efficiency of the kidney and the kidneys start getting smaller.

Kidney infection

The kidney is affected when there is an infection in the kidney or any organ associated with the kidney, due to which the size of the kidney becomes small. For example, pyelonephritis affects kidney size.

How can it be identified when the kidney contracted?

In the initial stage of kidney contraction, its symptoms are very subtle, due to which it is very difficult to identify them. Any kidney disease is identified when it has increased by 30 to 40 percent. There are many symptoms in the body when the contraction of the kidney increases considerably, some of which are:

  • Changes in urine volume
  • Darkening of the skin
  • Dry or itchy skin due to mineral deposits in the body
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Increased creatinine content
  • Insomnia
  • Kidney inflammation
  • Decreased kidney function
  • Intolerance of food
  • Acidosis
  • Anorexia
  • electrolyte imbalance
  • Terrible headache
  • vision problems
  • Pain in chest
  • Trouble breathing
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Blood in urine
  • Severe pain in chest, neck, or ear

How to check for kidney contraction?

A kidney diagnosis is made with the help of some tests that can reveal the size of the kidney. The tests also reveal why kidney health is declining. These tests may include-

  1. Computed tomography, CT or CAT scan
  2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  3. Ultrasound

Through these tests, the problem related to your kidney is detected. Once the kidney problem is detected, you can take Ayurvedic treatment of this serious problem from Karma Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic treatment of kidney contraction

According to Ayurveda, it is better to treat a person after getting sick, to keep the person’s lifestyle healthy and prevent him from getting the disease. Ayurveda system of healing makes the person healthy by fixing the four basic elements of the human body. Treatment of kidney contraction exists in Ayurveda. If you are struggling with this kidney problem then you can use the following medicines-

Giloy for kidney contraction

Giloy is used by extracting the stem, leaves, and root juice or extracting the essence. It is specially used in the treatment of serious diseases like arthritis, gout, diabetes, diabetes, high blood pressure, high fever, blood disorders, urinary disorders, dengue, malaria. Giloy is also considered very beneficial in cleaning the kidneys, it is bitter in taste but also antidiarrheal.

Ashwagandha for kidney contraction

The root of Ashwagandha is dried and powdered and used. This substance is used by boiling this powder or you can use it with hot water also. Ashwagandha powder helps in getting relief from serious diseases like blood disorders, high blood pressure, urinary disorders. Apart from this, this powerful, enhancing body immunity, spermatorrhea gives the boon of longevity by replenishing lost energy.

Azadirachta indica for kidney contraction

Neem tree is considered very useful in India. Its dry leaves are kept as a pesticide in the place of clothes. Apart from this, its decoction and coating are used in any type of skin disease. The use of its leaves during the bath is very beneficial.