Menstruation: Important facts about Menstruation

Jagdish Tandia


Menstruation definition

Menstruation- For any girl, puberty is the time when her body is changing due to the hormones produced by the ovaries. It usually begins between the ages of 8 and 13 and is characterized by the development of a woman’s breasts, hair growth in the inner organs and underarm areas, and an increase in her height. You may also notice that you have an odor in your body and some discharge starts from your virgin area due to the effect of hormones. (I)

Usually, the Menstruation of a girl’s Menstruation starts about 2 to 3 years after the growth of the breast. It can start first in girls who are overweight and later in girls who are underweight or involved in sports, dance, gymnastics, or tracking. (A)

Some important and interesting facts about periods:

If your period is missed or it is late and you are worried that due to some reason you may not get pregnant. If this is the case, then you need to know that apart from missing or late periods, there are many other reasons for pregnancy.

Stress: This can also happen to you due to stress, due to which the periods get delayed. According to research, this can happen due to thinking too much about a topic.

Menopause: Although menopause occurs only after the age of 45, sometimes it happens early in women. Even if women take birth-control pills, the period cycle can be completely disturbed.

Polycystic ovary syndrome: If women are a victim of polycystic ovary syndrome, there may also be an interruption of periods. In such a case, sometimes hair also comes on the chest and face of women.

Weight loss and gain: If a woman has increased or decreased her weight, then it can have a great effect on her period cycle as well.

Thyroid: If a woman has a thyroid problem and the thyroid suddenly increases or decreases, it can cause many more problems.

What not to do during menstruation?

Those few days of the month are very different for every woman. Some women have to bear a lot of pain these days, while for some this pain is normal. But almost every girl or woman remains restless during the days of periods.

During this period, many hormonal changes take place in the body of women. In such a situation, along with your diet, other things should also be taken care of. Five things that should not be done during periods.

Don’t have insecure relationships

Often women have sex even during periods and they believe that it will not lead to pregnancy. It should not be forgotten that you cannot get pregnant during periods. There are chances of pregnancy even in periods and along with this, to avoid any kind of infection, sex should be avoided during this period.

Don’t skip meals during Menstruation

It is very important for you that you eat the right amount of food. Skipping meals during periods can be risky. You should keep in mind that during this time the body becomes very weak. In such a situation, eating less food or skipping food can be overwhelming. Try that whatever you eat, there are plenty of protein, calcium, and vitamins in it.

Avoid physical work during Menstruation

If you are experiencing severe pain or stiffness in your back during periods, then take special care that you do not have to work physically. Take rest as much as possible and if the work is so necessary then do the work lightly. If this is not the case, then the pain in your body may increase further.

After how many days do Menstruation occur?

Women are likely to get their Menstruation about once every month. Typical menstruation is about 28 days. This means that there will be approximately 28 days from the first day of Menstruation to the first day of the next period. 28 days is an average number, but it is also common to have between 21 and 35 days.

The amount of bleeding or bleeding will vary from day today. Usually the most bleeding occurs in the early Menstruation and the least in the end. When girls have their first period, they may have very heavy Menstruation and very light cycles the next.

You may be at that age when you are going to college. Menstruation can happen in her first or second year or you may be one of those girls whose Menstruation can be affected by changes in body weight or diet, stress, eating disorders, hormone imbalance, exercise, illness, or passing away. Whereas it is normal for a girl to have irregular Menstruation for a year or two.

You should share your Menstruation calendar or app with your doctor when you go for your annual check-up. If you have less than 6 Menstruation in the second year of your period or less than 8 times in the year after that, it may be due to stress, excessive exercise, weight loss, or diet. If there is a gap of more than 35 days between your periods then you should get tested.

Do you need to know about your Menstruation?

A good way to see when your Menstruation starts and when they stop is to notice if there is a pattern to your menstrual cycle. It is also important to write down the number of days you have had your Menstruation and the amount of bleeding you have. When you see this, bring your Menstruation tracker with you so that it can track your menstrual cycle.

Menstruation & Symptom Tracker

Print out Menstruation & Symptom Tracker, it’s a simple way to track your menstrual bleeding, it even has a way of tracking monthly cramps and Menstruation symptoms. At what age a girl will start her Menstruation, depends on many things.


Menstruation depends on any girl’s jeans, food, lifestyle, place where she lives, what is the height of that place, etc. Periods or menstruation come once every month. This is a cycle that usually lasts for 28 to 35 days. This process goes on every month until the girl becomes pregnant and for this reason, there are regular periods or menstruation between 28 to 35 days. For some girls or women, menstruation lasts for 3 to 5 days, while for some it can be for 2 to 7 days. (B)