Yogasanas: Important information about Yogasanas

Jagdish Tandia

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Information about Yogasanas

Yogasanas: There is a long history of yoga traditions and scriptures. In Rigveda, the world’s first book, mention is made about compound verbs in many places.

Yogasanas: Just as the traces of Rama are scattered all over the Indian subcontinent, the traces of yogis and ascetics can be seen even today in forests, mountains, and caves. All we need is to discover the golden history of India that we are proud of.

Yogasanas: It is believed that yoga was born in India but it is said that in modern times, people have removed yoga from their daily routine. Which had an impact on people’s health. But today, not only in India, yoga is dominated all over the world and undoubtedly its credit goes to the yoga gurus of India who revived yoga.

Swami Vivekananda is considered to be the first spiritual guru who took yoga to the West. In America, in 1896, a compilation of his lectures on Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga was published in the name of a book called Raja Yoga. This book is considered one of the main modern texts of Yoga. Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, BKS Iyengar, Paramahansa Yogananda, and Ramdev are just a few of the names that have brought yoga back to higher heights.

Benefits of yoga asana

The greatest quality of Yogasanas is that they are effortless and universal. Yogasana is such an exercise method that neither spends anything special nor requires so much equipment. Yogasan can be done by rich and poor, old and young, strong and weak.

While the muscles have to perform stretching, contracting, and twitching movements in the rugs, on the other hand, there are stress-stretching movements as well, which reduces body fatigue and regains the spent power from the rugs. Yogasanas have their importance in terms of refreshing the body and mind, replenishing their lost power, and spiritual gain.


  • With the help of Yogasanas, the inner glands can do their work well and help maintain puberty and protect semen.
  • By the Yogasanas the stomach is well cleaned and the digestive organs are strengthened. Disturbances do not occur in the digestive system. Yogasanas make the spinal cord flexible and compensate for the spent pulse power. Yogasanas give strength to the muscles. This reduces obesity and makes a weak-skinned person healthy. Yogasanas are particularly suited for women’s anatomy. They produce in them the qualities of beauty, equanimity, fragility and speed, beauty, etc.
  • Yogasanas increase intelligence and the power of perception gets new vigor and freshness. The upward tendencies are awakened and the efforts for the soul-improvement increase. Yogasan makes women and men imitators of moderate self-control and diet, so the mind and body get permanent and complete health.
  • Yogasanas regulate breathing, strengthen the heart and lungs, purify the blood, and increase stability by creating stability in the mind. Yogasanas are a boon for physical health because they affect all parts of the body and perform their functions smoothly. Asanas destroy diseases, protect them from diseases, keep the body healthy, healthy, and athletic.
  • The light of the eyes increases with rugs. The need for eyeglasses is eliminated for the practitioner of rugs.

Yogasanas exercises every part of the body, making the body strong, healthy, and strong. Asanas systematically conduct the functions of the five main organs of the body, the nervous system, the anaphylactic system, the respiratory system, so that the body remains perfectly healthy and no disease is prevented. Asanas have the right to the development of all areas physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual. Other exercise methods only can affect the external body, while Yogasanas make all-around development of humans.

Things to note before the beginning of the Yogasanas

It is necessary to pay attention to some necessary precautions before you start learning asanas. Asanas can be effective and beneficial only if done properly.

Yogasan should be done only after retiring from defecation and bathing and take bath after one hour. Asan should be done by laying postures on flat land and wearing loose clothes according to the season. Yogasan should be done in an open and ventilated room so that you can freely take pure air with your breath. You can also practice outside, but the surroundings are pure and the weather is pleasant.

Beginning of Yogasanas

  1. Do not exert unnecessary force while doing the posture. Although initially, you will find your muscles stiff, with a few weeks of regular exercise, the body becomes flexible. Do rugs easily, not with difficulty. Don’t commit too much with them. Do not do asanas during menstruation, pregnancy, fever, serious diseases, etc.
  2. Yoga practitioners should have a proper diet, that is, food should be as natural and as easy to digest. All asanas except Vajrasana do empty stomachs. Rest at the beginning and end of the asana. Do the asana methodically. Perform each asana on both sides and do its supplementary practice.
  3. If there is extreme pain in any part of the body while performing the asana, then do asana only after consulting a yoga practitioner. If the air, excessive heat, or blood is highly impure, then the asana done on the head should not be done. Caution is very important so that toxic substances cannot reach the brain and cause damage.

It is necessary to conduct limbs before starting yoga. This ends the stiffness of the organs and prepares the body for rugs. See ‘Organ handling’ for how to perform a limb operation.

Finally, it would be better if you do asanas under the supervision of a qualified yoga practitioner.