Digestive System diseases: Remedies for the digestive system

Jagdish Tandia

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Digestive System diseases_ Remedies for digestive system.jpg

Home remedies for diseases of the digestive system

The digestive system (Digestive System diseases) consists of several organs from the mouth to the anus, which are connected through different types of tubes. In any one of these organs, the entire digestive system is impaired or weakened. The main function of the digestive system is to digest food, giving us enough nutrients. These nutrients provide energy to our body and cells can function properly.

If the process of digesting food becomes weak then our body is not getting nutrients properly and as a result, many diseases related to the digestive system arise. Many diseases related to the digestive system can be prevented from developing with the help of home remedies and some diseases can also be treated.

If you are feeling digestive system diseases or any other problem in digesting food, then you should read this article. This article explains some of the home remedies, which strengthen your digestive system, prevent digestive diseases, and help digest food.

Ginger is a treatment for Digestive System diseases

Ginger is a medicine used in all types of diseases associated with the digestive system. It helps in the treatment of diseases like indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation, etc. Ginger contains compounds called gingerols and cagoules that increase the process of stomach contraction.

necessary ingredients

1 teaspoon PC or grated ginger
One teaspoon lemon juice or apple vinegar
1 teaspoon honey
1 cup hot water

Method of use

  1. Keep the water to boil.
  2. Now add ginger, lemon juice, and one spoon of honey.
  3. Allow the water to boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Now consume it when it is lukewarm

when to use

Drink this ginger herbal tea 2 times a day, until your digestive system increases.

Apple vinegar is the home cure for Digestive System diseases

Many new studies have been done on apple vinegar and every study reveals its new medicinal properties. Apple vinegar helps in making the skin good and lose weight. It also has the ability to increase digestion by eliminating indigestion. Due to digestive diseases, more acid starts to form in the stomach. Apple vinegar eliminates this acid and makes digestion strong again.

necessary ingredients

1 teaspoon apple vinegar
1 cup water

Method of use

  1. Mix apple vinegar in a cup of water and then consume it.
  2. Although it is safe, excessive intake can damage the upper protective layer of the teeth. Apart from this, it can cause problems like nausea, throat irritation, and low blood sugar.

when to use

To prevent digestive diseases like indigestion and strengthen the digestive system, consume this mixture 30 minutes before eating.

Note: Use it only once a day and do not exceed two or three days. Rinse it with water after consuming it, as it can damage the teeth.

Home remedies for digestive system diseases with mint tea

Peppermint has antispasmodic effects, which help to heal the digestive system by reducing symptoms of digestive diseases such as nausea and indigestion. It also reduces spasms in the soft muscles of the stomach and also increases digestion. If you are having any problem in the stomach or digestion due to acid, do not try this remedy as peppermint can increase the acid present in the stomach.

necessary ingredients

2-3 tablespoon peppermint
1 cup hot water
2-3 cardamom

Method of use

  1. Boil cardamom and mint with 3 cups of water for 3 to 4 minutes
  2. Now drink it when it’s lukewarm

when to use

Try this remedy twice a day, until your digestive process is cured.

Use lemonade to cure Digestive System diseases

Lemonade’s alkaline effect helps neutralize the stomach acid and improve the digestive system. Apart from increasing digestion and curing digestive diseases like indigestion, lemon is considered a good source of vitamin C. However, excessive intake of it can damage or damage the tooth layer, so use it with caution as per the method given below.

necessary ingredients

Juice of 1 lemon
1 glass of hot water

Method of use

  1. Squeeze the lemon well in lukewarm or warm water.
  2. You can also add black salt if you want to taste it.
  3. Drink this solution when lukewarm
  4. To protect your teeth, after drinking lemonade rinse with clean water, by doing this the harmful acid effects of lemon do not harm the teeth.

when to use

This remedy is recommended to be used two to three times a day.

Home remedies for digestive system diseases with hot water

When there is enough water in your body, it is easy for food to pass through the digestive system. Never drink cold water after or before eating food, because according to researchers, cold water takes more than 1 hour to digest while hot water is absorbed in just 30 minutes. This happens because our body has to warm up before it can absorb cold water. Hot water intensifies and strengthens the digestive system as well as reduces digestive diseases such as stomach cramps, bloating, and gas.

When and how much drink

It is advisable to drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water a day to overcome problems of the digestive system. After every 1 hour, you should drink 1 cup of warm water throughout the day, besides drink water after half an hour of eating.

Black tea is the home remedy for Digestive System diseases

Black tea promotes many health-related compounds. These include Thirobigins (this compound helps to improve the digestive system) and theaflavins (which act as antioxidants and prevent diseases like stomach ulcers). In research done on mice, it was found that black tea has the ability to keep the stomach empty and to avoid indigestion due to any medicine, so drinking black tea strengthens the digestive system and prevents stomach disease. is.

necessary ingredients

1 cup black tea
½ teaspoon honey

Method of use

  1. Soak the tea bag in a cup of warm water for 5 to 10 minutes
  2. Now take out the bag and consume black tea.

when to use it for Digestive System diseases

To keep the digestive system strong and prevent digestive diseases, drink black tea twice daily.

Whole grains are the home remedy for Digestive System diseases

Grains are actually the seeds of certain types of plants, also known as cereals. Popular fiber-rich whole grains include oats, quinoa, farro, and products made from whole wheat. The fiber found in all these diets helps in improving digestive power. First, the fiber makes the stool loose and reduces constipation, then some cereal fibers act as pre-biotics and provide nutrition to the good bacteria present in the intestine.

Method of use

You can eat whole grains in these forms.

  1. Oatmeal
  2. bread
  3. Brown rice
  4. Corn
  5. Whole grain bread

Include these in your daily diet, intake of these will reduce the symptoms of diseases associated with the digestive system and improve digestion.

when to use it for Digestive System diseases

Consuming whole grains in the morning is considered to be the best, due to which the stomach or digestive system starts working even better.

Use lemonade to cure Digestive System diseases

Lemonade’s alkaline effect helps neutralize the stomach acid and improve the digestive system. Apart from increasing digestion and curing digestive diseases like indigestion, lemon is considered a good source of vitamin C. However, excessive intake of it can damage or damage the tooth layer, so use it with caution as per the method given below.

necessary ingredients

Juice of 1 lemon
1 glass of hot water

Method of use

  1. Squeeze the lemon well in lukewarm or warm water.
  2. You can also add black salt if you want to taste it.
  3. Drink this solution when it is lukewarm.

To protect your teeth, after drinking lemonade rinse with clean water, by doing this the harmful acid effects of lemon do not harm the teeth.

when to use it for Digestive System diseases

This remedy is recommended to be used two to three times a day.

Home remedies for diseases related to digestion with fennel

The fibers present in fennel treat digestive diseases such as constipation and improve the regularity of the digestive system. Fennel contains anti-spasmodic (spasms reducing) agents, which relax the soft muscles of the digestive system. Its effects reduce symptoms of poor digestive diseases, such as bloating, flatulence, and abdominal cramps or cramps. Its method is as follows:

Essential content

1 tsp fennel seeds
Half a cup of water

Method of use

  1. Boil the fennel in hot water.
  2. Now drink it when it is lukewarm.

Aniseed can be consumed directly, it is equally effective.

when to use it for Digestive System diseases

Aniseed is recommended to be eaten immediately after a meal, you can consume it until your digestive power is completely cured and strong.

Papaya is a home remedy for Digestive System diseases

The Papaya is a delicious sweet orange fruit, often used in home remedies for indigestion. Papaya contains enzymes called papain. It is a powerful enzyme that breaks down the proteins present in our food to make the process of digestion and absorption easier. Some people are unable to make enough enzymes naturally, due to which their digestion becomes weak and they get digestive diseases. Excessive intake of enzymes like papain helps to relieve the symptoms of indigestion and strengthens the digestion tract. Some studies have revealed that papaya has anti-parasitic (parasitic destroying) properties and has the ability to excrete more parasites in children’s feces.

when to use it for Digestive System diseases

To improve the digestion process, start eating papaya two hours after eating lunch and lunch. Do not consume papaya at night, at this time it does not make any improvement in digestion, and vice versa.