Health Benefits of licorice, and Medicinal properties of Licorice

Jagdish Tandia

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What is licorice?

Health Benefits of licorice– Mulethi is a shrubby plant. The stem of this plant is usually dried and used with bark. Its stem has many medicinal properties. It tastes sweet. It is very beneficial for teeth, gums, and throat. For this reason, licorice is used in many kinds of toothpaste today.

Licorice is a potent herb. Generally, people use it to get relief from colds or coughs. It is most effective to use in sore throat. However, the Health Benefits of licorice are not only that but it is mainly used in making Ayurvedic medicines. In this article, we are telling you in detail about the advantages, disadvantages, and methods of consumption of licorice.

Medicinal properties of Licorice Root

Licorice helps in the treatment of liver diseases like jaundice, hepatitis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver. Its natural antioxidant properties protect the liver from damage caused by free radicals and toxins. Besides, licorice helps reduce inflammation of the liver caused by hepatitis. A 2012 study published in the journal Phytotherapies Research found that licorice root extract helps in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Health Benefits of licorice To overcome obesity

Obesity is a serious condition. Flavonoids present in licorice helps in reducing excessive fat accumulation in the body. In a 2009 study published in the journal Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, researchers found that licorice oil helps reduce body and visceral fat in overweight people.

Health Benefits of licorice For arthritis

The licorice helps in the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. It can help calm two common symptoms of arthritis – pain, and inflammation. In a 2010 study published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, researchers found that extracts of licorice and roasted licorice can be beneficial in preventing and treating arthritis.

Health Benefits of licorice in hair growth

Licorice is also used to nourish and enhance hair. Washing hair with the decoction of licorice makes hair grow faster. Similarly, grinding licorice and sesame in buffalo milk and applying it to the head stops hair fall.

Hair whitening is a common problem and nowadays most people are worried about the hair getting prematurely white. With the use of licorice, you can prevent hair fall and whitening. For this, make a mixture by mixing 50 grams of licorice powder, 750 ml Indian gooseberry, and 750 ml sesame oil. Regularly adding 1-2 drops of this oil in the nose does not turn off untimely hair and reduces hair fall.

Health Benefits of licorice: in diseases of the eyes

Use of licorice benefits even if there is an irritation in the eyes or any disease related to the eyes. For this, wash the eyes with a decoction of licorice. Also, add an equal quantity of fennel powder to the licorice powder or licorice powder. Eating this powder in the morning and evening reduces eye irritation and increases eyesight.

  • The medicinal properties of licorice help a lot in relieving symptoms like pain, burning sensation when it comes to the eyes. Grinding licorice in water, soaking a cotton swab in it, and tying it on the eyes reduces the redness eyes.
  • Grinding licorice and gooseberry mixed with water or bathing with its decoction or washing the eyes reduces bile and also whitening of the eyes is beneficial in licorice.

Health Benefits of licorice: biliary ear diseases

Putting cooked milk in licorice and licorice in the ear is beneficial in ear diseases caused by bile. The medicinal properties of licorice are very beneficial in diseases.

Benefits of licorice: Relieving nasal diseases

Make a decoction by mixing 3 small grams of cardamom and 25 grams of sugar candy in 3 to 3 grams of licorice and Shunthi. Nasal diseases are cured by putting 1-2 drops of this decoction in the nose.

Health Benefits of licorice For oral health

Licorice maintains good oral health. Due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it inhibits the growth of cavity bacteria, reduces plaque, prevents bad breath, and keeps your teeth and gums strong and healthy. A 2012 study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society on natural products has confirmed the oral health benefits of licorice root. In a 2012 study published in another anaerobic journal, researchers approved the use of oral hygiene products such as toothpaste and extracts of licorice root in mouthwash.

Health Benefits of licorice For stomach problem

Due to the medicinal properties of licorice, it has been used in Ayurveda for a long time. Mouth blisters can occur due to stomach problems, which helps to cure licorice. It is more beneficial if taken with water or honey. It helps clean your stomach and removes the dangerous toxins responsible for ulcers from the body. If you have not yet used licorice, make sure to use it to get rid of mouth blisters. Licorice helps in reducing inflammation and in treating canker sores due to its healing properties. It also helps in fighting the herpes virus.

licorice For menopause

Mulethi helps in dealing with many problems associated with menopause. The Phytoestrogenic compounds in this herb help to correct hormonal imbalances in the body to reduce symptoms such as night sweats, insomnia, depression, vaginal dryness. Besides, vitamin B in licorice regulates hormones such as estrogen and progesterone that help fight these symptoms. A study published in Iran’s Early Drug Research Journal in 2012 highlights the positive effect of licorice on menopausal hot flashes. However, research on this has continued.

Health Benefits of licorice To depression

This herb also helps in treating depression. The licorice improves the functioning of the adrenal gland, which helps fight nervousness and depression. Besides, it contains essential minerals and flavonoids such as magnesium, calcium, and beta carotene that help relieve depression.

Health Benefits of licorice to skin

Licorice is also called the powerhouse of antioxidants because it contains many nutrients that keep you healthy. For this reason, licorice removes many skin-related problems and it is also seen as a herb that makes the skin younger. Mulethi helps in effectively healing the skin that is damaged due to the free oxygen radicals present in the body. Equally, licorice helps in removing the harmful elements (toxins) present in the skin by calming the Vata and pitta dosha of the body.

Respiratory tract infection

Mulethi treats respiratory tract infections such as sore throat, cold, cough, and asthma. Due to its inflammatory and antioxidant properties, bronchial tubes help reduce inflammation and soothe the airways. It removes mucus, which gives relief to cough. Besides, its antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral properties fight microbes causing respiratory diseases and mucus.

Health Benefits of licorice for the Immune System

The licorice plays an important role in building a strong, healthy immune system to keep the body free from viruses, bacteria, and infections. Licorice helps in the production of chemicals such as lymphocytes and macrophages that improve your body’s natural defense system. It also has powerful antioxidants that improve immunity.

Health Benefits of licorice For digestive problems

The licorice root helps treat digestive problems such as constipation, acidity, heartburn, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Its mild laxative effect plays an important role in regulating bowel movements. Its inflammation and antibacterial properties also help to reduce stomach inflammation and protect the inner lining of the stomach from infection. A 2013 study highlights the effects of licorice treatment on Helicobacter pectic peptic ulcers.

The right way to eat licorice

Oral use of licorice is used for stomach ailments, arthritis, excessively oily hair agar.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon (5 ml) licorice powder in warm water (250 ml) and allow this mixture to dissolve. Gargle with this mixture four to five times a day to comfort and help heal the sores of the mouth. Make sure that you do not swallow this mixture.
  • Similarly, mix 1/4 cup (60 ml) of warm water and 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) of licorice powder and gargle, it can help reduce or eliminate bad breath.
  • To help treat cold, cough, etc., drink licorice tea. Drinking licorice tea during menstruation reduces body cramps. To get the most out of it, consume it once a day for three days before the start of menstruation. You can also chew licorice to remove bad breath.

Disadvantage of licorice

  1. Taking large amounts of licorice for more than two weeks can be harmful. It can cause side effects such as high BP, fluid retention, and metabolic abnormalities.
  2. If you are taking diuretics or medicines for high BP, consult your doctor before taking this herb.
  3. If you are troubled by diabetes, kidney disease, or low potassium levels, avoid taking this herb altogether.
  4. This herb is not suitable for pregnant women or children.