How to control diabetes with Ayurveda

Jagdish Tandia


diabetes test

There are many ways in Ayurveda that you can manage your diabetes and untimely blood sugar fluctuations such as maintaining a healthy diet. There are many prescriptions in Ayurveda that can help you. Diabetes mellitus is a condition that impedes your body’s ability to respond to insulin, which ultimately leads to abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates, causing blood sugar levels Increases.

Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions faced by millions of people worldwide. Shocking statistics and figures from the WHO also calls for immediate attention to those who do not yet have diabetes, but have symptoms. The first WHO Global Report on Diabetes states that since 1980 the number of living adults with diabetes has nearly quadrupled diabetes.

Managing diabetes is a difficult one but by no means is it impossible. Scientists around the world are working round the clock to come up with methods and medicine that can improve the condition without any side effects. There are many ways by which you can manage your diabetes and untimely blood sugar fluctuations.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is known as ‘diabetes’ and as part of its treatment, Ayurveda suggests avoiding excessive intake of sweets and simple carbohydrates. It is important to include more green and leafy vegetables. Some bitter and healthy herbs such as Aloe-vera are also important in managing diabetes.

In Ayurveda, there are three fundamental doshas:

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and good health are considered an ideal state of balance between these three doshas. “Explained the development of diabetes as a result of the reduced functioning of Agni (digestive fire), which can trigger high blood sugar levels. Here are some home remedies.

Mix one part of Guduchi, one part of Shardunika, one part of Kudki and 2 parts of Purnava, and mix them well in the diabetes-friendly herbal mixture. Drink this herbal mixture two to three times a day and consume it with warm water.

Diabetes: Turmeric Treatment

Increasing the intake of turmeric in the diet is also beneficial in diabetes management.

Drinking water in a copper vessel: Since ancient times, drinking the water of a copper vessel has been considered very healthy for the overall functioning of the body. Reviving this practice can help prevent blood sugar level fluctuations. The water kept in a copper vessel is called ‘Tamra Jal’ and it helps in balancing the three doshas. Put one cup of water in a copper vessel at night and drink water in the morning.

Diabetes patients must keep fenugreek seeds in their homes. You can take fenugreek seeds sprouts or drink fenugreek water in the morning.

Bitter gourd is better:

Apart from avoiding sweets, bitter ingredients like bitter gourd, amla, and aloe vera have also been used to manage and control diabetes.

All diseases in Ayurveda are caused by some imbalance in a person’s doshas. Type 1 is described as an imbalance of Vata (wind and wind) defects. Type 2 is more. Kapa (water and earth) dosha. It is very important to have a reborn food, eating less fatty food three times a day. Try and avoid dairy products and opt for skimmed milk and low-fat yogurt. Ginger tea helps to stimulate digestion, which is very beneficial. Reducing excess kappa in your system.

Use Your Spices Wisely:

Many spices have shown anti-diabetic properties. For example, asafoetida, turmeric, cinnamon, mustard, and coriander, use in your food, drink, and manage diabetes naturally. If you are a diabetic patient and are considering an Ayurvedic way to fight it.

Additional ways to control diabetes:

  • Reduce carbohydrate intake
  • Quit drinking and smoking
  • Introduce exercise into your daily routine,
  • Do not miss the blood test
  • Go for a regular health checkup
  • Avoid adding too much oil to your food
  • Do yoga daily.

Yoga not only helps to calm your mind, but it also helps you to live with diabetes. Some poses come with regular yoga practice, and these poses are considered the best Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes type 2 as they help improve blood and lymph circulation and lower blood pressure and sugar. Here are some easy ones that are recommended for diabetics, so that they can improve their overall quality of life and also see significant changes in their body.

The legs are erected with the help of the wall, though it is done without a wall, but with the help of the wall.

Also known as restorative inversion, this posture is great because it allows the body to relax by reducing stress levels as well as lowering blood sugar. It is also known to relieve migraines, boost energy, and increase circulation.

Bound angle pose for diabetes

It is a restorative pose and at the same time, it can help calm your nervous system. It is also known to stimulate the abdominal organs, kidneys, and bladder. This pose is useful for the following muscles:

  • Groin muscles
  • Pelvic muscles
  • to stoop

This pose is best known for its therapeutic forward bend and is the best natural treatment of diabetes for yoga. Additionally, this posture helps to relieve anxiety, fatigue, and acute headaches.

Standing the feet against the wall as a supported shoulder stand:

This pose is a reversal and is great because it helps improve circulation and stimulates the function of the thyroid gland. Also, like the previous asanas mentioned above, it will help you to relieve stress and calm the mind.

There are other similar yoga postures that you can control daily through yoga and meditation practice and pranayama but before doing all these, get advice from your expert.

Mudras work to keep diabetes under control

The 2016 review found that yoga and meditation practices help manage type 2 diabetes in a significant way. Researchers have also said that yoga causes stable blood sugar and body composition. Data reviews have also found that yoga and meditation can reduce blood pressure as well as oxidative stress. Although the results on diabetes and yoga are positive (so far), many more studies have to be done to expand on these results.

If you combine yoga with foods that immediately lower blood sugar, you will start seeing results almost immediately. When you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it may appear that you have received a life sentence, but you do not have to look at it this way. You may not be able to cure diabetes completely, but with a holistic approach to your routine and adopting significant changes in your lifestyle, you can manage/reduce symptoms of diabetes.

Various Yoga Asanas and Breathing Exercises for diabetes

Various yoga asanas and breathing exercises for diabetes help relax and contract the abdominal muscles; This is important because it stimulates the pancreas, increasing oxygen and blood supply. Due to the constant oxygen and blood supply, the pancreatic cells undergo rejuvenation, and this improves the organ’s ability to produce insulin.

Breathing done in yoga helps to encourage healthy pancreatic functions. For diabetics, the postures stated above lower blood sugar levels to stimulate the pancreas and help in the production of insulin and help relieve hypoglycemia.

So contact any Ayurveda expert to know more about natural methods to deal with the condition. Take advice from certified experts only.