Konasana Stesp | Sideways Bending Pose

Jagdish Tandia

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Konasana or Sideways Bending Pose

Konasana, also known as the Angle Pose or Sideways Bending Pose, is a yoga posture that stretches the sides of the body, particularly the spine, and tones the abdominal organs.

Steps of Sideways Bending Pose

  1. Start by sitting in a comfortable seated position, such as on a yoga mat or cushion.
  2. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together in front of you, letting your knees fall out to the sides.
  3. Sit up tall and lengthen through the spine.
  4. Inhale and extend your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor.
  5. Exhale and gently lean to one side, keeping your back straight and your gaze forward.
  6. Hold the pose for a few breaths and then switch sides.

Benefits of Konasana

  • Stretches the spine, hips, and groins
  • Tones the abdominal organs
  • Improves digestion
  • Increases flexibility in the hips and inner thighs
  • Helps to reduce stress and anxiety It is important to be mindful of your limits, if you have any knee or back injuries, it is best to avoid this pose or modify it.

Konasana (Sideways Bending Pose) caution

Konasana, or Sideways Bending Pose, can be a beneficial posture for stretching and toning the body, but it’s important to be aware of certain precautions and modifications. Here are a few things to keep in mind when practicing this pose:

  • If you have any knee or back injuries, it’s best to avoid this pose or modify it by using props such as blocks or blankets to support your legs and back.
  • If you have tight hips or groin, it can be difficult to sit with the soles of your feet together. In this case, you can separate your feet slightly to create more space in the hips.
  • If you have any shoulder or neck injuries, keep your arms and shoulders relaxed and avoid over-stretching.
  • If you have any diastasis recti or a separation of the abdominal muscles, it’s important to avoid excessive twisting and forward folding.
  • Always be mindful of your breath and never force your body into the pose.

It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor or a qualified yoga teacher before beginning a yoga practice, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or injuries.