kidney cancer


Vulvar cancer: symptoms, and treatment of vulvar cancer

Jagdish Tandia

Vulvar Cancer Cancer is a disease that occurs due to the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells or the ...

Polycystic kidney disease: a genetic disease

Jagdish Tandia

Polycystic kidney disease Polycystic renal disorder (Polycystic kidney disease) is the most prevalent disease among hereditary kidney diseases. the most ...


5 Best Yoga asana for kidney failure patient

Jagdish Tandia

Best Yoga asana for kidney failure Which yoga is good for kidneys? A friend’s today post is about the Best Yoga ...


Breast Cancer: Treatment, and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Jagdish Tandia

Breast Cancer Friend’s today we know about Breast Cancer Treatment, Simpson, and Cost. Breast cancer treatment may be a crucial ...

Kidney dialysis: when should a kidney patient dialysis

Jagdish Tandia

Kidney Dialysis Kidney dialysis: When both the kidneys aren’t functioning, therein case, the tactic of doing the kidney work by ...

Kidney Stones: About Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention.

Jagdish Tandia

What are kidney stones? Kidney stones are also known as appendicitis and nephrolithiasis. Actually, the stone is a type of ...

Kidney Cancer: causes, types, symptoms, and treatment

Jagdish Tandia

Kidney Cancer Friends, the kidneys are behind the abdominal organs on either side of our spine. The kidneys work to ...

Dialysis: Important Precautions Before and After Dialysis

Jagdish Tandia

Dialysis Friends, kidneys are located on either side of the spinal cord. Under normal circumstances, the kidneys perform the task ...