Bakasana: How to do Bakasana, Benefits, and Precautions

Jagdish Tandia

Updated on:



One such posture of yoga science is Bakasana, The Crane Pose. This asana is also called Kakasana, The Crow Pose. The word Bakasana is made up of two Sanskrit words. The first word bak means crane bird, while the second word asana means sitting. That is, it means sitting like a heron.


At the same time, this asana is also called Kakasana. The word Kakasan is made up of two Sanskrit words. The first word is kak which means ‘crow bird’. The other word Asana means sitting. That is, it means sitting like a crow.

Do this asana before doing the Bakasana.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Baddha Konasana
  • Balasana
  • Four-Limbed Staff Pose
  • Veerasana (Virasana)

Steps of Bakasana


Bakasana should be done for a maximum of 30 to 60 seconds at a time. Doing this gives the upper backstretch. While the arms, lower abdomen, and wrists are stronger.

  1. To do Bakasana, first bring both your feet close and keep both your hands firmly on the ground. Remember one thing, your arms and shoulders are at different widths.
  2. Now lift your buttock and make sure that your main muscles are in such a way that your knees come near your triceps. If you are doing Kakasana then make a shelf with your upper arms as you bend your elbows.
  3. Looking forward, comfortably raise your legs. Bring your body weight on your hands. Stay in this pose for a while. Keep your hands straight to do the Bakasana.
  4. After staying in this posture for a while, lower your feet, and come to the posture of Uttanasana.

After doing yoga Bakasaana does this asana.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Four-Limbed Staff Pose
  • Plank Pose

Benefits of Yoga Bakasana

Strong core muscles form a strong base to perform Bakasana. Strong core muscles give you the strength to lift your knees from the ground and bring them to the upper arms. By its constant practice, the body starts to become so light that the strength to bear the weight of the whole body comes in the wrists.

  1. Bakasana makes your wrists and hands strong.
  2. The spine becomes toned and strong.
  3. The upper back gets a good stretch.
  4. With this asana, the balance and focus of your body improve.
  5. Your mind and body start getting ready for challenges.
  6. The lower abdominal muscles are stronger and the digestive system improves.
  7. The inner muscles of the thigh begin to strengthen.
  8. You feel strong and confident in daily practice.