Bhadrasana Method | Benefits of Bhadrasana

Jagdish Tandia


Bhadrasana: ‘Bhadra’ means ‘favorable’ or ‘beautiful’. This asana is suitable for sitting in meditation (meditating) for a long time and due to its healthy and beautiful body, it is called Bhadrasana. Bhadrasana yoga is also called ‘Gracious pose’ in English. Bhadrasana is done in many ways, but here we are giving the most simple and useful type of Bhadrasana.

Method of Bhadrasana

  1. Sit down in Vajrasana. Knees as far as possible.
  2. Keep in contact with the toes from the ground.
  3. Now separate the claws from each other so that the buttocks and the base are fixed between them.
  4. Try to stretch the knees more, but do not push too much while you are away.
  5. Place your hands on your knees, palms facing down.
  6. When the body is in a state of rest, then practice nasal vision (focus the attention on the front section of the nose). When your eyes are tired, then close them for a while.
  7. Open the eyes and repeat the process.
  8. Repeat this process for ten minutes like this.
  9. Precautions to be taken in Bhadrasana
  10. Pregnant women should do this asana with the help of a trainer.
  11. Do not do this asana if you have knee pain.
  12. If you have back pain while doing this asana, do not do this asana.
  13. This asana should not be done even in stomach problems.


  • A useful posture for sitting in meditation.
  • Concentration power increases and the mind becomes sharper.
  • The spasticity of mind is less.
  • Increases fertility.
  • Digestive power is good.
  • The leg muscles are strong.
  • There is relief in problems like headaches, pain, weakness of eyes, insomnia, and hiccups.

Bhadrasana, this is a very simple and useful posture. If you have any stomach disease or knee discomfort, then do this yoga only with the advice of a doctor or yoga expert. If there is any problem in doing yoga, the advice of a doctor/yoga specialist should be sought. Increase the time of yoga practice gradually.

Yoga book Bhadrasana