Diabetic foot ulcer: Diabetic foot ulcer treatment and Symptoms

Jagdish Tandia


If you are suffering from diabetes and see any kind of wound, wound, or blister in your feet, then instead of ignoring it, you should immediately consult a doctor and get it treated. Because it can also be a diabetic foot ulcer. With timely treatment, this problem can be cured forever and the foot can be saved from getting worse. Research has confirmed that about 10% of patients suffer from a diabetic foot ulcer at least once in their lives.

A diabetic foot ulcer is a serious problem that requires immediate action. Because it can also take the form of a deadly disease in the future. In this blog today we are going to tell you about the causes, symptoms, and best treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. After reading this blog completely, you will understand very well what things you have to take care of and how to treat them better if you are suffering from this problem.

What is a diabetic foot ulcer?

Diabetes is a disease that usually occurs due to high blood sugar in the body. Which affects many parts of the body. There are also sores or blisters in the feet due to diabetes. If they do not pay attention to them or do not treat them on time, they become infected and in the future, they take a serious form. These severe blisters or wounds are called diabetic foot ulcers in medical language. Diabetic foot ulcers are very small and common sores in their early stages, which people often ignore.

How serious is a diabetic foot ulcer?

The tissues of the feet are softer than other parts of the body. This is the reason that if you have an infection in your feet, it does not take much time to reach the muscles and bones. As far as diabetic patients are concerned, they already have the problem of pure oxygenated blood. This is the reason why it is more dangerous to have an infection in their feet. Sometimes, due to carelessness, the infection spreads so much in the legs that even the leg is amputated so that the infection can be prevented from spreading to other parts of the body and the patient can be saved from death.

Cause of diabetic foot ulcer

Diabetic foot ulcers are mostly seen in people who are patients of diabetes mellitus and use insulin. Being overweight, smoking and using tobacco, and drinking alcohol are some factors that can increase the risk of diabetic foot ulcers.

Sometimes you may not feel any symptoms in an ulcer, this is usually because there is a loss of sensation in that area due to diabetes mellitus. Apart from this, due to lack of proper circulation of blood, the process of wound healing gets affected.

A diabetic foot ulcer initially develops as a small blister and usually does not develop symptoms due to loss of sensation. Due to the slow healing process of the wound, instead of healing, it starts getting bigger and deeper. If diabetic foot ulcers are not treated on time, the wound gets infected, and as result pus starts to form. As the infected wound deepens, the infection spreads to the bone, a condition is known as osteomyelitis.

If the wound does not get proper treatment even after getting infected, it leads to gangrene disease in the affected area. Gangrene is a very serious condition in which the affected part is cut off from the body.

Symptoms of Diabetic Foot Ulcer

The infection of diabetic foot ulcers spreads very rapidly in the body. If it is detected and treated in its early stage, then this disease can be easily eliminated. On the other hand, if it is left untreated for a long time, then the infection gradually starts spreading from the skin of the feet to the muscles and bones of the feet. Then after that, it starts spreading to other parts of the body as well, after which the patient can also die. This is the reason why experts suggest seeing the cause and seeing the doctor for its investigation and treatment. If you are suffering from a diabetic foot ulcer, you may feel some symptoms in yourself. After paying attention to these symptoms and contacting the doctor, it is confirmed whether you have a diabetic foot ulcer or not. Then based on this, your doctor chooses the mode of treatment.

  1. Symptoms of diabetic foot ulcer include a change in the color of the skin of the feet,
  2. numbness and tingling in the feet,
  3. loss of sensitivity in the feet,
  4. wound up,
  5. Sometimes pus comes from the wound,
  6. Pain when walking etc.

If you experience any of these symptoms in yourself, see a doctor immediately and get your wound examined and treated.

Diabetic foot ulcer test

Usually, doctors diagnose a diabetic foot ulcer by looking at the wound and examining it. After this, the doctor checks the level of sugar in the blood (blood sugar level). Simultaneously, during the test, the patient’s walking pattern is also checked, so that it can be found out which part of the foot has more pressure. Certain tests may also be done to check for sensation in the feet and legs.

The doctor may recommend some special tests to be done –

  1. blood test
  2. wound culture test
  3. MRI scan
  4. CT scan
  5. x-ray

Treatment of diabetic foot ulcer

The strict control of blood sugar levels is considered the first and foremost way to treat and prevent diabetic foot ulcers. The main goal of foot ulcer treatment is to improve the healing process as quickly as possible because the sooner the wound heals, the lower the risk of infection.

Various treatment procedures help to reduce the pressure inside the diabetic foot ulcer as well as remove the damaged tissue. Doctors may remove fluid and pus from inside the wound and apply medicine to bandage or cover it so that the infection does not develop.

There are some other ways to treat diabetic foot ulcers, such as-

  1. hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  2. negative pressure wound therapy
  3. Revascularization of areas containing foreign waste and destroyed tissue
  4. ozone therapy
  5. lowering the pressure inside the wound
  6. Antibiotics to control infection
  7. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs to reduce pain and swelling

How to treat a diabetic foot ulcer at home?

Caffeine is useful

The main reason for the diabetic foot problem is the lack of proper blood supply. Due to this, the infection progresses rapidly when there is any kind of wound, and the problem of ulcers in the feet increases. The nervous system can be stimulated by the consumption of caffeine. Caffeine also works to keep blood circulation right. In this way, the wound will heal quickly.

Use of aloe vera

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, thus it is considered useful in treating diabetic foot problems. Massaging with aloe vera gel will be beneficial if there is a wound in the feet. It also has microbial properties, which relieve the pain of ulcers and prevents the infection from progressing.

Use honey

Honey is also considered very useful in avoiding diabetic foot problems. It has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties. Applying honey on the wound does not increase any kind of infection on the skin. Consuming this drug increases immunity.

Ginseng herb is effective

Diabetic foot problems can also be overcome with the use of ginseng herb. This herb also works to balance blood sugar in the body. It is also considered effective in increasing immunity. It is also effective in preventing wound infection. If you cannot find ginseng herb, then you can also take its supplement. It is equally beneficial.

Take magnesium food

Some studies have also revealed that taking a diet rich in minerals can also eliminate such problems. Magnesium is considered more useful in this too. Magnesium deficiency makes it difficult to correct diabetic foot problems. Therefore, eat magnesium-rich foods like spinach, kidney beans, bananas, and dark chocolate.


Due to the condition of being suffering from diabetes, you have to face a lot of problems when there is a wound. Because they do not heal quickly and the risk of increasing their infection is also high. Same problem with diabetic foot ulcers. If it is not treated properly, then in a very short time the infection starts spreading all over the body and after a time it can also take the form of a deadly disease. Therefore you mustn’t ignore the blisters or wounds of your feet, but talk to the doctor about it. The doctor will suggest a better treatment after examining you. REFERENCE- (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)