Janu Shirshasan Yoga to calm the mind

Jagdish Tandia


Janu Shirshasan

For peace of mind, one can do Janu Shirshasan. It has been given in research that this yoga can provide many benefits by calming the mind. It can relieve problems like depression, anxiety, fatigue, headache, and insomnia by calming the mind (REF). Yoga is considered effective for calming the mind. This has been substantiated by medical research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). According to research, breathing activity during yoga improves mental health, which can keep the mind calm. Also, with regular practice of yoga, peace of mind and focus can be increased (REF).

Do this asana before doing Janu Shirshasan

You can do this asana before doing Janu Shirshasan, it will open up your hamstrings, hips, and thighs in sufficient quantity.

  1. Dandasana or Staff Pose
  2. Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend
  3. Purvotanasana or Upward Plank Pose
  4. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana or Half Bound Lotus Seated Forward Bend
  5. Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana or Three-Limbed Forward Bend

Method of doing yoga:

  • To practice Janu Shirshasan, first of all, lay a yoga mat.
  • Now straighten the legs forward.
  • During this, the waist should be completely straight.
  • Then bend your left knee and touch your soles with the right thigh.
  • Now taking a long breath, slowly raise both the hands upwards.
  • After this, while exhaling slowly, bend forward.
  • While bending try to hold or touch the right toe with the hands.
  • When in this position, rest the head on the knee.
  • Then stay in this position for a few seconds and keep breathing normally.
  • After this, take a long breath and come to the starting position.
  • This is half a cycle of Janu Shirshasan.
  • Now repeat this process on the other leg as well.
  • This yoga can be repeated intermittently up to five times.

Easy way to do Janu Shirshasan

  1. If your leg doesn’t turn back, let go as far back as you can and don’t forcefully pull it back. In this posture, bend forward.
  2. When your knee does not touch the ground, you can put a towel under it. Doing this will reduce the chances of knee pain.
  3. If your hamstrings or hip strain are low, you will not be able to lean forward completely. Do as much as you can.

Asana after performing Janu Shirshasan

  • Marichysana or Pose of Marichi
  • Navasana or Boat Pose
  • Bhujapidasana or Shoulder Pressing Pose
  • Kurmasana or Turtle Pose
  • Supta Kurmasana or Sleeping Turtle Pose


  1. If there is surgery in the stomach, then do not do this yoga asana.
  2. If someone has knee pain or any other kind of problem, then this yoga should not be done.
  3. Those who have pain in the lower back, avoid doing this asana.
  4. Pregnant women should not do Jaanu Shirshasan at all.

Benefits of Janu Shirshasan

Like every posture, Janu Shirshasan also has many benefits. Some of them are this:

  • Calms the mind and helps in getting rid of mild depression.
  • Increases flexibility of the spine, hamstrings, hips, and knees.
  • Stimulates the liver and kidneys.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Relieves anxiety, fatigue, headache, and menstrual discomfort.
  • Therapeutic for high BP, insomnia, and sinus.