beauty tips

Concealer: 6 Best Concealers for Sensitive Skin

Jagdish Tandia

Apply concealer on sensitive skin? Do you have sensitive skin and are troubled by dark circles, mars, and large pores? ...


How to remove blackheads: home remedies for blackheads

Jagdish Tandia

What are blackheads? Blackheads appear as small, dark spots on the skin. These spots are caused by the clogging of ...


Beauty tips for face: Best homemade beauty tips for fiery face

Jagdish Tandia

Best homemade beauty tips for glowing face To enhance the face, people follow many sorts of beauty tips. Some people ...


Cashew Nuts Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating it

Jagdish Tandia

Best Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts We often eat cashew in dry fruit, sweets, in many dishes, in vegetables, chutney, ...


Benefits of curry leaves: Disadvantages of curry leaves

Jagdish Tandia

Benefits of Curry Leaves Many such spices are found in our kitchen, which are employed to reinforce the taste of ...

Beauty Tips: Best 9 Beauty tips for women glowing face

Jagdish Tandia

Beauty Tips For Women Face Friends, remember the direct impact of our living style on our skin. Stress, irregular catering, ...

Beauty tips for women face: Best winter season Beauty tips

Jagdish Tandia

Winter season Beauty tips for women face Beauty tips for women face– To make itself beautiful, women of earlier ages ...

remove pimples

How to remove pimples from the face

Jagdish Tandia

Tips to Remove pimples from the face Remove pimples- Pimples are a nightmare for everyone. These not only cause cracks ...