Virabhadrasana: keep heart-healthy to do Virabhadrasana

Jagdish Tandia

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What is Virabhadrasana?

Virabhadrasana, also known as Warrior Pose. This asana was named after Virabhadra, an abbey warrior, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. The story of the warrior Virabhadra, like other stories of the Upanishads, inspires life. Virabhadrasana strengthens the muscles of the hands, shoulders, thighs, and waist.

How to do Virabhadrasana

Virabhadrasana is one of the strongest yoga postures, it provides strength and wholeness in the practice of yoga.

  1. Stand upright with legs spread from 3 to 4 feet away.
  2. Rotate the right leg 90 ° and the left leg by 15 °.
  3. Check – Keep the right heel in line with the left foot.
  4. Raise both hands to the shoulders, palms should be open towards the sky.
  5. Check – Hand is parallel to the ground.
  6. Exhale, bend the right knee.
  7. Check- right knee and right ankle should be in a straight line. The knee should not go beyond the ankle.
  8. Turn your head and look to your right.
  9. Stabilize the posture and pull your hands slightly.
  10. Slowly lower the pelvis. Stay steady in this posture like a warrior and keep smiling. Breathe and release until you go down.

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Breathe up.

  • While exhaling, bring both hands down by the side.
  • Repeat this from the left side. (Turn left leg 90 ° and right side to 15 °)
  • Benefits of the Virabhadrasana
  • Strengthens hands, feet, and waist.
  • Increases balance in the body increases tolerance.
  • It is very beneficial for those who sit and work.
  • Very effective in shoulder tightness.
  • Immediately relieves shoulder tension.
  • Increases courage, grace, and peace.

Precautions of Virabhadrasana

  1. If you are suffering from renal bone disorders or some chronic disease, then do Virabhadrasana only after consulting a doctor.
  2. High blood pressure patients do not perform this asana.
  3. Virabhadrasana is very beneficial for pregnant women in the second and third trimesters. When you do this asana, take recourse to the wall. Be sure to consult a doctor before performing this asana.
  4. Do not do Virabhadrasana if you are suffering from diarrhea or were suffering from it recently.
  5. If you have pain in the knees or have arthritis, then use support near the knees.